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Lecture Series, Zurich, Spring Semester 2022 (February-June)

The Golden Peaches from Samarkand – like nothing else – stand pars pro toto for all exotic things that reached China during one of its most cosmopolitan and prosperous eras in history. Eminent scholars like Berthold Laufer and Edward H. Schafer masterfully demonstrated the earliest exchange of exotics between China and regions from across Eurasia by using linguistic, historical, and archaeological data. Beyond doubt, tremendous progress has been made in all these fields ever since.

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Symposium Banner
Agroecology, Sustainable Food Production and Satoyama: Contributions of Japanese Case Studies to the Discussion of Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Environmental Conservation The goals of this interdisciplinary symposium are: 1) to understand the historic importance of food and subsistence diversity, social practice, and food sovereignty for the resilience of ecosystems and food production systems, 2) to examine the validity of traditional, local and indigenous ecological knowledge for contemporary agroecological practice, and 3) to evaluate the contribution
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Event Poster

The Anthropology Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong is hosting an Interdisciplinary Roundtable Webinar on Archaeology, Architecture and Public Engagement: Preserving Century-old Underground Reservoir in Bishop Hill, Hong Kong 考古學、建築學和公眾參與的跨學科圓桌網上研討會:保育香港主教山百年地下配水庫 via Zoom on January 9th, 2021 from 5-8:30 pm (Hong Kong Time). For more information, and to register for the event, please check the following link:

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Maritime Trade and Shipwrecks: Recent Discoveries form Vietnam and Central Thailand Abstract Poster

The Centre of South East Asian Studies will be hosting a lecture series via Zoom on January 13, 2021 from 11 am - 1 pm (London Time) titled "Maritime Trade and Shipwrecks: Recent Discoveries from Vietnam and Central Thailand" by Abhirada Komoot (PhD Candidate, University of Western Australia) and Do Truong Giang (Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences). 

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Jomon pot top

In this short survey of Jomon pottery, Dr. Ali Ghobadi will explore some basic topics of Jomon archaeology so that viewers can better understand the ancient Jomon people who were making the myriad pottery designs that we see today in museums in Japan and throughout the world. A variety of ceramic pots, figures, and objects covering more than 10,000 years of Japanese (pre)history will be featured, including several that have been designated as “National Treasures” of Japan.

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University of Aberdeen Seal

Archaeologists of Mongolia or other areas of northern East Asia take note!

Part of the School of Geosciences, the Department of Archaeology at Aberdeen is seeking support to deliver a wide-ranging Archaeology programme through the appointment of a Lecturer in Archaeology appointment. The position will replace Dr. Rick Knecht who has been awarded a prestigious Leverhulme Trust Major Research Fellowship and will be on sabbatical for the duration of the appointment from Autumn 2020 for a period three years.

Applications are welcome from individuals with experience in teaching Archaeology, and who are ideally a specialist in the archaeology of northern regions, in fitting with our departmental ‘Archaeology of the North’ profile. Applications from candidates with an Arctic focus are particularly encouraged, aligning with Dr Knecht’s specialisms. Applications that demonstrate a practical fieldwork and/or lab-based element to their profile would also be desirable. The main responsibilities for the new Lecturer will include developing and delivering high quality undergraduate and postgraduate teaching. Candidates should be experienced at communicating to a variety of different audiences, be able to work as part of a team, and be willing to work collaboratively with colleagues in Archaeology and other disciplines in the School and University.

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