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The Xianbei from southeast Mongolia were the first foreign sovereignty over North China since the 4th century. During the 200 years of Xianbei rulership, the cultures of old and new inhabitants – the Han-Chinese, the Xianbei and diverse steppe peoples, the Sogdians and other Central Asians from the west – confronted and competed with one another.

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The Xianbei from southeast Mongolia were the first foreign sovereignty over North China since the 4th century. During the 200 years of Xianbei rulership, the cultures of old and new inhabitants – the Han-Chinese, the Xianbei and diverse steppe peoples, the Sogdians and other Central Asians from the west – confronted and competed with one another.

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Pots from Vietnam
"Identity and community structure in Neolithic man bac, northern Vietnam" Authors: Marc F. Oxenham, Trinh Hoang Hiep, Hirofumi Matsumura, Kate Domette, Damien Huffer, Rebecca Crozier, Lan Cuong Nguyen, and Clare McFadden Abstract: This paper explores the evidence for social structuring principles and other aspects of identity at Man Bac, an early Neolithic (2066–1523 cal. BCE) community in northern Vietnam.
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Multi Dimensional Scaling (MDS) plot of whole coding sequences of mitogenome of Paleolithic, Jomon, Yayoi and present-day individuals in Japan

Population dynamics in the Japanese Archipelago since the Pleistocene revealed by the complete mitochondrial genome sequences

Authors: Fuzuki Mizuno, Jun Gojobori, Masahiko Kumagai, Hisao Baba, Yasuhiro Taniguchi, Osamu Kondo, Masami Matsushita, Takayuki Matsushita, Fumihiko Matsuda, Koichiro Higasa,  Michiko Hayashi, Li Wang, Kunihiko Kurosaki and Shintaroh Ueda

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