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BSEAA Contribution Guidelines

The Bulletin of the Society for East Asian Archaeology (BSEAA) is dedicated to smaller contributions of various types, such as field reports, research project outlines, book reviews, museum roundups, site descriptions, reflections on various issues in East Asian archaeology, or whatever you feel is worth sharing with your colleagues and the interested public.

There will be a PDF-file including all Reports and Reviews with pagination to download at the end of each year.


Field Reports  • Research Reports • Conference Reports

Manuscripts for the Reports section of the Bulletin of the Society for East Asian Archaeology (BSEAA) should be at least 500 words in length. For briefer contributions you may consider the Membership News, or the Notice Board. Authors should indicate, which part of the Bulletin their contribution is meant for. Title of manuscript, name and affiliation of author should precede the text.

Use capital letters for surnames. Original script (Chinese, Korean, Japanese) for East Asian place names, personal names, or archaeological terms is encouraged (.doc or .rtf is required for texts including original script). For the transcription of East Asian language terms, Pinyin for Chinese, Hepburn for Japanese, and the Korean Government System (2000) for Korean is encouraged.

Use endnotes instead of footnotes. Use brief references in brackets in the running text for direct or indirect citations (e.g. NAME 2005:4-16). All references cited in the text must be listed in alphabetic order at the end of the text, and with full bibliographic information.


Books should appear as SURNAME, Name year, book title: subtitle. Place of publishing: publisher. (for East Asian language titles add a second line with the original script).
Books in a series should appear as SURNAME, Name year, book title: subtitle. Place of publishing: publisher, title of series, Vol., No. (For East Asian language titles add a second line in original script).
Articles or chapters in an edited book should appear as SURNAME, Name year, title of article/chapter: subtitle of article/chapter. In: SURNAME, Name (and Name SURNAME) (ed./eds.), book title: subtitle, Place of publishing: publisher, p.-p.. (For East Asian language titles add a second line in original script).
Articles in journals should appear as SURNAME, Name year, title of article: subtitle of article. In: journal title, Vol., No.: p.-p.. (For East Asian language titles add a second line in original script).
Unpublished thesis should appear as SURNAME, Name year, title of thesis: subtitle of thesis. Unpublished M.A./PhD. thesis, Dep. of, University of, City, Country. (For East Asian language titles add a second line in original script).

Text should be sent as .txt, .rtf, or .doc-file and clearly labeled (e.g. author-bseaa-report.doc). If you wish to include Chinese, Korean or Japanese script  .rtf-file or word.doc is required. Photos or figures should be sent separately as .jpg-files (e.g. author-fig1.jpg) (no larger than 1 MB). For figures please include scale bars in metric unit. List copyright or/and photographer and captions in an additional .txt, .rtf, or .doc-file. Copyright should be cleared or held by the author. Responsibility for copyright compliance remains with the author.

Submit all contributions to the editor.

The Bulletin of the Society for East Asian Archaeology (BSEAA) is not peer-reviewed. The editor(s), however, reserves the right to seek for additional opinion, to edit the manuscripts, or to decline the publication of manuscripts inappropriate to the aims and objectives of SEAA.

Book Reviews

Manuscripts for the Book Reviews section of the Bulletin of the Society for East Asian Archaeology (BSEAA) should be limited to 1500 words in length. For a mere summary of a new book or for advertising a new book of yours use the New Books section of the Notice Board. Authors should indicate, which part of the Bulletin their contribution is meant for. Title of manuscript, name and affiliation of author should precede the text.

Use capital letters for surnames. Original script (Chinese, Korean, Japanese) for East Asian place names, personal names, or archaeological terms is encouraged (.doc or .rtf is required for texts including original script). For the transcription of East Asian language terms, Pinyin for Chinese, Hepburn for Japanese, and the Korean Government System (2000) for Korean is encouraged.

Use endnotes instead of footnotes. Use brief references in brackets in the running text for direct or indirect citations (e.g. NAME 2005:4-16). All references cited in the text must be listed in alphabetic order at the end of the text, and with full bibliographic information.


Books should appear as SURNAME, Name year, book title: subtitle. Place of publishing: publisher. (for East Asian language titles add a second line with the original script).
Books in a series should appear as SURNAME, Name year, book title: subtitle. Place of publishing: publisher, title of series, Vol., No.. (For East Asian language titles add a second line in original script).
Articles or chapters in an edited book should appear as SURNAME, Name year, title of article/chapter: subtitle of article/chapter. In: SURNAME, Name (and Name SURNAME) (ed./eds.), book title: subtitle, Place of publishing: publisher, p.-p.. (For East Asian language titles add a second line in original script).
Articles in journals should appear as SURNAME, Name (year), title of article: subtitle of article. In: journal title, Vol., No.: p.-p.. (For East Asian language titles add a second line in original script).
Unpublished thesis should appear as SURNAME, Name year, title of thesis: subtitle of thesis. Unpublished M.A./PhD. thesis, Dep. of, University of, City, Country. (For East Asian language titles add a second line in original script).

Text should be sent as .txt, .rtf, or .doc-file and clearly labeled (e.g. author-bseaa-report.doc). If you wish to include Chinese, Korean or Japanese script  .rtf-file or word.doc is required. A photo of the book cover would be nice. Send the photo separately as .jpg-file (e.g. author-bookcover.jpg) (no larger than 1 MB).

Submit all contributions to the editor.

The Bulletin of the Society for East Asian Archaeology (BSEAA) is not peer-reviewed. The editor(s), however, reserves the right to seek for additional opinion, to edit the manuscripts, or to decline the publication of manuscripts inappropriate to the aims and objectives of SEAA.

Places of Interest

You know an interesting museum with East Asian artefacts outside East Asia? You paid a visit to an archaeological museum or archive within East Asia? You visited an archaeology park or the ruins of a historical site?

Share your experiences with your colleagues, and send a description of that place of interest to the editor. Pictures are welcome! Don't forget to include information about opening hours, entrance fees, guides and if extant, the URL of the museum/archive/site.

Manuscripts for the Places of Interest section of the Bulletin of the Society for East Asian Archaeology (BSEAA) should be limited to 1500 words in length. Title of manuscript, name and affiliation of author should precede the text.

Use capital letters for surnames. Original script (Chinese, Korean, Japanese) for East Asian place names, personal names, or archaeological terms is encouraged (.doc or .rtf is required for texts including original script). For the transcription of East Asian language terms, Pinyin for Chinese, Hepburn for Japanese, and the Korean Government System (2000) for Korean is encouraged.

Text should be sent as .txt, .rtf, or .doc-file and clearly labeled (e.g. author-museum.doc). If you wish to include Chinese, Korean or Japanese script  .rtf-file or word.doc is required. Photos, figures or tables should be sent separately as .jpg-files (e.g. author-fig1.jpg) (no larger than 1 MB). List copyright or/and photographer and captions in an additional .txt, .rtf, or .doc-file. Copyright should be cleared or held by the author. Responsibility for copyright compliance remains with the author.

Submit all contributions to the editor.

The Bulletin of the Society for East Asian Archaeology (BSEAA) is not peer-reviewed. The editor(s), however, reserves the right to seek for additional opinion, to edit the manuscripts, or to decline the publication of manuscripts inappropriate to the aims and objectives of SEAA.

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