An abbreviated schedule for SEAA10 is now available on our website. You can download the PDF or access it via our website, see post for further details
SEAA News Blog: Conferences
Thank you for your patience as we have been working diligently to complete our online registration and submission center for SEAA10, graciously hosted by the University of Aberdeen. We are pleased to inform you that you may now register for SEAA membership, register for SEAA10, and submit proposals for your research papers, posters, short films, and organized sessions all online. Registration will be open from now until November 29th. Feel free to use the image provided below to promote SEAA10.
You can find additional details regarding the conference and the call for papers here:
On Behalf of the Council on East Asian Studies and the Archaia Program for the Study of Global Antiquity at Yale University:
Join scholars from across Japan, Europe, and North America for an exciting two-day conference, "The Archaeology of Early Japan: Debating Social Complexity." An in person event, coffee, lunch, light refreshments will be provided. Please register at the following link to attend:[/html]
The Board of the European Association for Asian Art and Archaeology (EAAA) is pleased to announce a call for papers for the 4th EAAA Conference to be held at the School of Arts and Humanities – University of Lisbon (Portugal) between 8 and 13 September 2025. The 4th Conference is jointly organised by the European Association for Asian Art and Archaeology (EAAA), the UNIARQ – Centre for Archaeology (School of Arts and Humanities), the CH-ULisboa – Centre for History of the University of Lisbon, ARTIS-Institute of Art History and ACN-Asia Collections Network.
The McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research (University of Cambridge) will host a two-day symposium on "The Transition to Agriculture at the edges of Eurasia: Neolithisation in the British Isles and the Jomon-Yayoi transition" on July 4-5.
This two-day symposium will present the latest advances on the transition to farming in the British Isles and the Japanese archipelago as well as the key outputs of the ENCOUNTER project. A total of 19 speakers will discuss different aspects of this pivotal event, covering aspects such as population genetics, cultural transmission, paleoecology, subsistence economy and paleodemography. The event will be both in person and online (the number of in-person attendees will be limited).
For detailed programme and registration:
A workshop on Silk Roads Archaeology organized by SEAA is going to take place in Oxford, UK, on November 7-8, 2024. The workshop includes a free visit to the Silk Roads Exhibition at the British Museum on November 7, followed by a one-day discussion on recent archaeological discoveries and insights drawn from the rich concept of Silk Roads at Oxford on November 8.
An official Call for Papers and further information will be posted on our social media platforms and website in mid/late July, and the deadline for submission is planned on August 31. Please save the date!
The 10th Worldwide Conference of the Society for East Asian Archaeology will be held next year in Aberdeen, Scotland, UK. Please save the date and plan for your papers and visits. The conference dates are August 19-23rd, 2025. The call for papers, posters, and sessions will open on September 2nd, 2024 and registration and abstracts, to be submitted by November 29, 2024. Topics can cover the archaeology of East Asia and adjacent regions including Eurasia, North Asia, the Pacific and Southeast Asia as well as the East Asian diaspora worldwide. There will be concurrent sessions and plenty of space for posters. Our meeting will be hosted by the Department of Archaeology in the School of Geosciences.
From 22 to 23 February 2024, the joint research project “Traces of the ‘Boxer War’ in German Museum Collections – A Joint Approach” will hold the first international conference on objects in museum collections suspected to have been looted in China in the context of the so-called “Boxer War.” The conference titled ‘Boxerloot!