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Cosmopolitan Pasts of China and the Eurasian World cover graphic

Virtual international conference
“Cosmopolitan Pasts of China and the Eurasian World”
2021 June 11, 12, 18, 19, from 1500 CET (2100 China, 0900 EST, 0600 PST)

Free and open to all. Registration required. Go to:
For questions, please contact Dr. Annie Chan at


Cosmopolitanism may prove to be the creed of our times. Globalized infrastructure and digital technologies have rendered alien political and cultural spheres unprecedentedly more accessible, hospitable, and intelligible, but also made visible new structures of segregation and “othering”. The paradoxical challenges of cosmopolitanism in tolerance and communication are, however, hardly a modern geopolitical tale, nor characteristically European for that matter. Statesmen in pre-imperial China had reached for the notion of “tianxia” (all under Heaven) somewhere between a concentric “fu” zoning by degree of civility, an all-encompassing appreciation of “xing” (human nature), and a mix of bridling and conciliatory diplomatic strategies. It was the expansive realization of this cosmic order that then made Tang Dynasty the (arguably) quintessentially cosmopolitan -and great Chinese- epoch. Fast forward to early Republic China, cosmopolitan ideals of Western education gave voice to the modernization of Chinese poetry and provided inspiration for literary exoticism and patriotism.

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The Louis Frieberg Center for East Asian Studies offers post-doctoral fellowships for the 2021-2022 academic year. The post-docs are open to scholars in the humanities and social sciences specializing in East Asia, especially China, Japan, Korea and Mongolia.

Fellowships are granted for one academic year or one semester. The starting date of the visit should not be later than four years after receipt of the doctoral degree; the fellow must hold a valid doctoral degree no later than October 2021.

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November 1, 2019

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Louis Frieberg Post-doctoral Fellowships

The Louis Frieberg Center for East Asian Studies offers post-doctoral fellowships for the2020-2021 academic year. The post-docs are open to scholars in the humanities and socialsciences specializing in East Asia, especially China, Japan, Korea and Mongolia.Fellowships are granted for one academic year or one semester. The starting date of the visitshould not be later than four years after receipt of the doctoral degree; the fellow must hold avalid doctoral degree no later than October 2020.The fellowship consists of a monthly stipend (tax free) of $1,800, paid in Israeli currency andlinked to the representative rate of exchange. Fellows are entitled to one airline ticket(economy class, up to $1,500) for a direct flight from their hometown to Israel and back. Thefellows are expected to teach one semester-long course at the Hebrew University (foradditional payment, according to the Hebrew University regulations). The ability to teach acourse in Hebrew is welcome, but is not a prerequisite for attaining the fellowship. Thefellows will also actively participate in the life and activities of the Louis Frieberg Center forEast Asian Studies and will present their research at the seminar of the Department of AsianStudies, and possibly at other relevant forums. Any work outside the Hebrew Universitywould be allowed only after specific approval by the Frieberg Center. Applicants shouldsub one hard copy and an electronic copy—in one file—of their application to theaddress below, no later than March 8, 2020.

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SEAA has been informed of this research opprotunity at National Tsing Hua University in Taiwan, which includes potential funding for archaoelogical research:

Master's Degree Program Award: National Tsing Hua University Award In Austronesian Studies

Awards are available to pursue a full-time Master’s degree in Austronesian Studies at the Institute of Anthropology, National Tsing Hua University (NTHU). The program is taught in English.

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