Job Posting: Postdoctoral Fellow for three years

The Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin, Department III: Artifacts, Action, Knowledge, directed by Prof. Dr. Dagmar Schäfer, seeks one Postdoctoral Fellow for three years, for the Working Group “Visualization and Material Cultures of the Heavens in Eurasia and North Africa (1400 BCE – 1700 CE),” with a 100% employment contract, TVöD-Bund pay scale (E13). The earliest starting date is January 2023.

To apply, please submit the following documents:

New Book: Megaliths of the World

Megaliths of the World, edited by Luc Laporte, Jean-Marc Large, Laurent Nespoulous, Chris Scarre, Tara Steimer-Herbet, brings together the latest research on megalithic monuments throughout the world. Many of these sites are well known, others less familiar, yet equally deserving of close attention.

Early Chinese metal production

POPULAR ARCHAEOLOGY: Researchers decode metal-making recipes in ancient Chinese text

"Researchers have deciphered enigmatic recipes for metal-making contained in an ancient Chinese text, revealing unexpected complexity in the art at the time.

Six chemical formulas are given in a Chinese text from 300BC known as the Kaogong ji. The manuscript, known as The World’s Oldest Encyclopedia of Technologies, forms part of a detailed archive of early imperial rule, which archeologists have been trying to decode since the 1920s."

Dr. Anke Hein

Anke Hein: Diversity is beauty and strength

Our China Stories (People's Daily Online) recently featured Dr. Anke Hein, the incumbent president of SEAA. You can watch the interview via the following link on Youtube:

The English and Chinese versions of the text of the interview are also available. Please see the following:  

English version:


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