A critical section of the transcontinental railroad is shown in red.

Popular Archaeology: What Archaeologists Are Learning About the Lives of the Chinese Immigrants Who Built the Transcontinental Railroad

The desert of far northwestern Utah stretches 60 miles from the arid border of Nevada to the saline-crusted shores of the Great Salt Lake. The terrain is exceedingly flat, punctuated only by the intermittent dry arroyo, rocky hill or volcanic cinder cone. Horned lizards and jack rabbits dart between thorny shrubs and scrawny box elder trees. Apart from the occasional cattle ranch or sheep-herding camp, the landscape appears desolate and lonely, forgotten in the expanse of geologic time.

Popular Archaeology: International cooperation sought on archaeology

Enhanced efforts will be made in China to encourage international cooperation in archaeology, and national-level plans for joint research are being drafted, the National Cultural Heritage Administration announced on Friday through a general blueprint centered on archaeological development during the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-25).

According to the blueprint, two to three Chinese archaeological research bases will be set up overseas by 2025, and five to 10"demonstration-level" cross-border projects are expected to be nurtured by then.

A file photo shows an archaeologist excavating the Tung Wan Tsai site in Ma Wan in 1997.

Popular Archaeology: An ancient group of Hong Kong inhabitants loved their seafood, to an extreme

A study published in The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology in late February found that a small population of neolithic Hongkongers were highly reliant on fish.

Christina Cheung, a researcher at Vrije Universiteit Brussel in Belgium who wrote the study, said these people were so reliant on seafood that they probably did not rely much on farming for food or hunting land animals.

Activists and Advocacy Beyond Academia

The Association for Asian Studies will be hosting a webinar on Monday, May 2, 2022, from 9-11 AM Eastern Time. 

The webinar centers on the experiences of activists in East and South Asia. Sharing information on how activists have encountered attacks on their work and persons in digital and analog spaces in relation to venues such as non-profits, government organizations, or other capacities, the speakers will educate scholars and listeners on how they can operate in solidarity with activists and grow our global networks of collaboration.


The Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) is Canada’s celebrated international museum and houses important collections of art, culture and nature (www.rom.on.ca). ROM is the largest and most attended museum in Canada, attracting more than 1.3 million visitors per year. It has a membership of over 32,000 households and an annual budget of $80 million CAD, and is a world leader in communicating its research and collections to the public.

IDEAL HOMES Domestic Materiality and Past Identities

Call for book chapters: IDEAL HOMES Domestic Materiality and Past Identities

Ideal Homes Domestic Materiality and Past Identities

Briefing: What happened is, we grew lonely living among the things, so we gave the clock a face, the chair a back, the table four stout legs which will never suffer fatigue.

Even what was beyond us was recast in our image Lisel Mueller. “Things” Mobile societies of the past may well have defined their sources of security and socialisation in different terms than later agricultural peoples, as an entire landscape was ‘home’ for them.


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