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Call of Applications: MZAW Visiting Professorship in Cultural History of the Ancient World

on 25 Sep 2023 1:45 AM

The Münchner Zentrum für Antike Welten (MZAW) invites applications for a Visiting Professorship in Cultural History of the Ancient World for either one or two years, starting on October 1, 2024.

The Münchner Zentrum für Antike Welten (MZAW) is the interfaculty research network of ancient studies at LMU Munich. The Center supports cooperation across disciplinary boundaries, helps to advance joint research initiatives, and fosters networking among and beyond Munich's departments, collections and institutions concerned with the ancient world. Established in 2011, the MZAW Visiting Professorship has been awarded to a series of renowned scholars from all over the world (, who enjoyed excellent conditions for both research and scholarly interaction at LMU.

The MZAW Visiting Professorship is now open for either one year (October 2024 - September 2025 or October 2025 - September 2026) or two years (October 2024 - September 2026). Applications are invited from outstanding international and national scholars who specialize in the anthropology, history, art and archaeology, literature and linguistics, philosophy, religion, or law of the ancient world. The regional foci of the center are the Ancient Mediterranean with Greece, Rome and Byzantium, Ancient Egypt, the Ancient Middle and Near East, Ancient Northern Europe, and Ancient China.

At MZAW, the successful applicant will:

 pursue an original research program relevant to the study of antiquity, which invites innovative interdisciplinary perspectives,

 propose an annual theme that should be of relevance across the MZAW and foster collaboration between different areas of study.

 teach one graduate seminar per term,

 host one public academic event during the semester (lecture, panel discussion or conference).

The prerequisites are a university degree, an outstanding doctorate, as well as excellent academic achievements and a promising research program. During the term of the professorship, residence in Munich is requested. LMU Munich is an equal opportunity employer. The University continues to be very successful in increasing the number of female faculty members and strongly encourages applications from female candidates. LMU Munich intends to enhance the diversity of its faculty members. People with disabilities who are equally as qualified as other applicants will receive preferential treatment.

Please include in your application:

 a cover letter stating the preferred contract term as well as the specific motivation for working with the MZAW including a proposal for an interdisciplinary annual theme (max. 2 p.),

 a CV with list of publications (max. 5 p.),  a description of your research project (max. 5 p.),

 a summary of the project description (max. 350 words),

 two writing samples Please send a single pdf-file via email no later than December 3, 2023 to:

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Münchner Zentrum für Antike Welten (MZAW)

Herrn Prof. Dr. Friedhelm Hoffmann z.H. Frau Dr. Caroline Veit Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1 80539 München
