Understanding Authenticity in China’s Cultural Heritage 

Understanding Authenticity in China’s Cultural Heritage

Understanding Authenticity in China’s Cultural Heritage 

Seminar Series jointly organized by Oxford University and SOAS

Wednesday, 13 October, 2021, 14:00 BST

Su Junjie (Yunnan University): A Difficult Integration of Authenticity and Intangible Cultural Heritage? The Case of Yunnan, China

Wednesday, 10 November, 2021, 14:00 GMT

Birgitta Augustin (Museum für Asiatische Kunst, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin): Concept(s) of Authenticity in Painting and Calligraphy of the Yuan Dynasty

SEAA online Conference June 26-28, 2021 KST

The Society of East Asian Archaeology Online Student Conference 

Registration is open to all and free of charge. You do not need to be a speaker to attend. If you have not yet registered for the conference, please do so NOW via the following link: https://seaa-web.org/conference/upcoming/registration-form

Presentation abstracts for the upcoming SEAA conference are available on the SEAA website via the following link: https://seaa-web.org/conference/upcoming/abstracts


International Academic Symposium on "The Origins and Development of Nomad Cultures in the Eurasian Steppe"

In order to explore the origins and development of pastoralist cultures of the Eurasian Steppes, exchange the newest achievements of the research on pastoralist cultures and societies, and promote the development of the archaeology of pastoralism in the Eurasian steppes, the Research Centre for Chinese Frontier Archaeology of Jilin University, the Research Center for Frontier Archaeology, Institute of Archaeology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and the Inner Mongolia Hulunbuir Ethnographic Museum are co-organizing the International Academic Symposium on "The Origins and Development of

100 years Chinese Archaeology Lecture Series 2021

Archaeological excavations in China in modern times have occurred since the late 19th century, often organized by non-Chinese expeditions who took advantage of the tumultous times and unregulated situation in many regions. Also and famously, the beginning of the consecutive finds of the so-called oracle bone inscriptions at Anyang can be traced back to the years after 1899. So in many senses, Chinese archaeology is older than a century. However, the 1920s mark another kind of beginning for the discipline, as this was the decade that saw many of the most epochal finds in China, framed by the discovery of the Neolithic Yangshao ceramic complex in 1921 and that of the homo erectus pekinensis in 1929 and including the decades-long first fully Chinese-led modern excavation at Anyang from 1928 onward. Therefore, rather than taking the exact year of the “birth of Chinese archaeology” too seriously, we are happy to use this historical background as a convenient reason to celebrate the really astounding results that this discipline has achieved so far and especially in recent times. This should serve as both an introduction to specialists of non-Chinese archaeologies as well as to non-archaeological specialists on China. And it should serve as a forum for specialists on Chinese archaeology to talk about the latest developments in the field and think together about solutions for some of the more vexing and fascinating problems the field is facing right now. The topics, most of which have a certain provocative edge or focus on unsolved questions, have been chosen with the latter consideration in mind. (Enno Giele, Heidelberg University)

For more information and to get register, please visit: https://www.zo.uni-heidelberg.de/sinologie/arch/ls2021.html

CALL FOR ABSTRACT: 19th Conference of the International Workgroup for Palaeoethnobotany

The University of South Bohemia and the Institute of Archaeology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague will be hosting the 19th Conference of the International Workgroup for Palaeoethnobotany from June 13-17, 2022. Abstract submission will open on September 15, 2021, and end on January 10, 2022. 

For more information, and to register, visit: http://iwgp2022.elementadmin.cz/

Cosmopolitan Pasts of China and the Eurasian World cover graphic

LMU Munich virtual conference "Cosmopolitan Pasts of China and the Eurasian World"

Virtual international conference
“Cosmopolitan Pasts of China and the Eurasian World”
2021 June 11, 12, 18, 19, from 1500 CET (2100 China, 0900 EST, 0600 PST)

Free and open to all. Registration required. Go to: https://www.cosmopolitanpasts.sinologie.lmu.de.
For questions, please contact Dr. Annie Chan at cosmos@ostasien.fak12.uni-muenchen.de.


Cosmopolitanism may prove to be the creed of our times. Globalized infrastructure and digital technologies have rendered alien political and cultural spheres unprecedentedly more accessible, hospitable, and intelligible, but also made visible new structures of segregation and “othering”. The paradoxical challenges of cosmopolitanism in tolerance and communication are, however, hardly a modern geopolitical tale, nor characteristically European for that matter. Statesmen in pre-imperial China had reached for the notion of “tianxia” (all under Heaven) somewhere between a concentric “fu” zoning by degree of civility, an all-encompassing appreciation of “xing” (human nature), and a mix of bridling and conciliatory diplomatic strategies. It was the expansive realization of this cosmic order that then made Tang Dynasty the (arguably) quintessentially cosmopolitan -and great Chinese- epoch. Fast forward to early Republic China, cosmopolitan ideals of Western education gave voice to the modernization of Chinese poetry and provided inspiration for literary exoticism and patriotism.

Get-Together for Archaeologists of East and Southeast Asia at the 2021 SAA Meeting


Friday, April 16th at 12-1pm Eastern / 11am-12 Noon Central / 9-10am Pacific

Sponsored by the Society for East Asian Archaeology and the Southeast Asian Archaeology Interest Group

We look forward to seeing you at our Virtual Get-Together! The schedule for our meeting is as follows: 

  1. Greetings from meeting hosts Francis Allard and Alison Carter
  2. Brief presentations from editors from the journals Antiquity, Archaeological Research in Asia, Asian Archaeology and Asian Perspectives as well as the Institute for Southeast Asian Archaeology. 
  3. Brief presentations by two junior researchers on their work, as well as their thoughts and ideas on the present and future of East/Southeast Asian Archaeology, with time for Q&A. 
    1. Dr. Piphal Heng, Postdoctoral researcher in the Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Northern Illinois University
    2. Dr. Lauren Glover, Honorary Fellow in the Department of Anthropology, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Virtual Lecture Series at Indiana University - On Altars of Soil: Unearthing New Narratives in Early Chinese History

Familiarity with unearthed materials has become the norm among scholars of early China across the world. The field has come to re‐examine narratives of early Chinese history in a more nuanced way, moving beyond questions of “doubting” or “verifying antiquity” to detail how the situation on the ground in early China related to its representation in traditional historical constructs. The fruits of this process are undeniable. Confronting entrenched historical narratives through archaeology, however, has widespread methodological and epistemological implications. Unquestioned, traditional narratives can distract scholars from the motivations of ancient actors; moreover, they can limit the broad humanistic value of early China scholarship and its reception outside the field. Unchecked, however, the incautious deconstruction of such narratives can cast pointless doubt on well-founded networks of knowledge. Further, deploying unearthed material in historiography brings the narratological habits of history into contact with the customs of field archaeology, raising both practical problems of data management and theoretical issues about the production of knowledge about the past.  


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