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The prehistoric Silk Roads: New materials, technologies and ideas in the move


The first Eurasian Archaeology from East-West exchange perspective lecture series will be held via Tencent from October 22nd to December 3rd 2021. This year theme "The prehistoric Silk Roads: new materials, technologies and ideas in the move" will focus on cultural encounters between early China and its neighbors, to examine how material culture was shaped by cultural acceptance/resistance in a given society, and how knowledge communication and technology transfer occurred in many ways (trading, warfare, marriage, diplomacy, migration, etc.). We have some great speakers lined up for this yearand will be kicking off with a presentation from Katheryn M. LINDUFF on this Saturday October 23, at 8.30 PM Beijing time, on the Eurasia as a significant player in the field of Asian studies. Materials under discussion include, but not limited to exotic artifacts from pre-imperial Qin territory, new excavations in southern Siberia, early Chinese bronze metallurgy in the Eurasian context, Chinese mirrors from Tillya Tepe, and gold artefacts in the Mediterranean world.

The lecture series is a part of "Belt and Road" Cultural Heritage Global Alliance international education and research program. It is aimed at helping postgraduate students better understand the formation and dynamics of the interacting networks in ancient Eurasia before the beginning of the commercial Silk Roads, also open to the general public. 60 mins for each lecture (including 15 mins Q&A), lectures in Russian will be provided with Chinese translation.

Enclosed please find the programme

Chair: Junchang YANG, Yan (Fiona) LIU (Institute of Culture and Heritage, Northwestern Polytechnical University)

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