SEAA News Blog: Conferences
From 22 to 23 February 2024, the joint research project “Traces of the ‘Boxer War’ in German Museum Collections – A Joint Approach” will hold the first international conference on objects in museum collections suspected to have been looted in China in the context of the so-called “Boxer War.” The conference titled ‘Boxerloot!
We would like to invite you to submit an abstract for th
Lia Wei, Estelle Bauer (both from National Institute for Oriental Languages and Civilizations, Paris), and Shao-Lan Hertel (Director of the East Asian Art Museum in Cologne) are proposing a panel on East Asian visual and material culture at the next Congrès International d'Histoire de l'Art held in Lyon, June 2024. If you are interested in participating as speaker in this panel, please see the information below. Please noted that the submission deadline is 15 September 2023 (a bit of flexibility might be allowed).
The 8th Symposium of Archaeomaterial Studies (SAS) series, a hybrid conference on Archaeomaterial Studies in East Asia, is taking place on August 11-13, 2023. The conference aims to gather global researchers to discuss the latest developments in material remains from East Asia, gain insights into technology, trade, and social development, and advance archaeological research methods and theoretical approaches.
We are pleased to offer free online attendance to all, whether presenting or not. Everyone is welcome, regardless of their SEAA membership status.