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SEAA News Blog: Jobs

By Andrew Womack on 19 Jan 2021 9:33 AM

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the University of Haifa 

 The Asian Sphere: Trans-Cultural Flows Program 

An Inter-University and Interdisciplinary Graduate Program 

Call for Enrollment of Doctoral Students (2021-22) 

 The Asian Sphere offers a unique opportunity for outstanding candidates at the PhD level to enroll in an international multidisciplinary inter-university graduate program focusing on the Asian continent. 

 The Asian Sphere is a joint Israeli program of the Hebrew University and the University of Haifa funded by the Humanities Fund of the Council for Higher Education in Israel and Yad Hanadiv. It is a structured graduate program of excellence that focuses on various aspects of the entire Asian continent as a continuous civilizational zone. It addresses cross-regional contacts and processes among Asian societies, cultures and states, as well as between Asia and other continents throughout history until present time. The program’s courses are taught in English. 

 Apart from a dynamic and exceptional environment of learning and research, the program offers scholarships for outstanding graduate students. The scholarships for PhD students are of the amount of 60,000 NIS per year for three years. 

 The Asian Sphere accepts students from different disciplines in the humanities and social sciences, including Asian Studies, Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies, Archaeology, Geography Political Science, International Relations, Cultural Studies, History, Art History, Religious Studies, Philosophy, Anthropology, Sociology, Economics, Media Studies, Gender Studies, and Environmental Studies,. Research topics are open and can deal with past or current societies. The core of the Asian Sphere teaching activity revolves around advanced seminars on trans-regional, trans-continental and trans-cultural themes, mostly taught by two or more internationally renowned scholars. In addition, students who are accepted to the program will participate in a yearly academic retreat, research trips in Israel and abroad, academic conferences and other activities. 

 For further information, visit our web site:  

By Andrew Womack on 15 Jan 2021 2:14 PM

Role Summary

Curator: Early China Collections
£30,348 per annum
Application Deadline: 12pm on 20 January 2021

The British Museum is seeking a Curator: Early China Collections to join the Asia department. The main purpose of this role is to undertake research into and make publicly accessible areas of the Early China Collections in support of the Museum Operating Plan and all relevant Museum strategies.

By SEAA Public Re… on 07 Jan 2021 12:35 PM

The Louis Frieberg Center for East Asian Studies offers post-doctoral fellowships for the 2021-2022 academic year. The post-docs are open to scholars in the humanities and social sciences specializing in East Asia, especially China, Japan, Korea and Mongolia.

Fellowships are granted for one academic year or one semester. The starting date of the visit should not be later than four years after receipt of the doctoral degree; the fellow must hold a valid doctoral degree no later than October 2021.

By Andrew Womack on 23 Nov 2020 6:26 AM

Pembroke College, Oxford wishes to appoint a Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in Chinese Studies of any area, discipline or period. The appointment will be from 1 September 2021 for three years.

The Stanley Ho JRF in Chinese will be expected to conduct original research in their chosen field and to contribute to the development of Chinese studies at Pembroke College. This will include assisting students reading Chinese in the college with advice and mentoring. Teaching opportunities may also be available through the Oriental Studies Faculty and with the consent of the Fellow in Chinese.

By Andrew Womack on 19 Oct 2020 7:17 AM

From Carmen Ting, Editor for the Society for Archaeological Sciences Bulletin

I hope you have noticed and are pleased with the changes we have slowly implemented to the SAS bulletin over the past year. As promised in our last Annual General Meeting - which was also our very first virtual meeting, we are expanding our editorial team so that we can bring to you a broader spectrum of topics, truly reflecting the interdisciplinary of and innovation in our field. In addition to adding new blood, we are looking to replace one of most loyal contributors, Dr Charlie Kolb, who is stepping down from his role as the Associate Editor for Archaeological Ceramics due to personal reasons after serving the editorial board and the SAS in different capacities for decades. You will be sorely missed and there will be some big shoes to fill. Thus, we are currently looking to fill in the associate editors for the following areas:

Archaeological Ceramics (available from Spring 2021)

Bioarchaeology (available now)

Archaeobotany (available now)

Geoarchaeology (available now)

Remote Sensing and Prospection (available now)

By SEAA Public Re… on 11 Oct 2020 11:26 PM

The Archaeological Database of China, collaborated by Tsinghua University and Hong Kong University, is looking for a research assistant to help curate data from the second phase of its project. Successful applicants would work on archaeological materials from the Neolithic to the Northern and Southern dynasties. Please note that work would be conducted entirely in Chinese. As such, applications should have high fluency in the Chinese language.

By Andrew Womack on 08 Oct 2020 6:35 AM

Research Fellow Position at Academia Sinica

1. Rank: Assistant Research Fellow (1 position available)

2. Areas of Specialization: Chinese History

3. Qualifications:

(1) Applicants with a domestic or foreign doctorate degree recognized by the Ministry of Education; or applicants scheduled to receive a domestic or foreign doctorate degree in related fields by June 30, 2021
(2) For foreign applicants, the ability to speak and write (fluently) in Mandarin is preferred.

By Andrew Womack on 09 Jul 2020 9:13 AM
Stanford Archaeology logo

The Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures and Stanford Archaeology Center invite applications for an one-year post-doctoral scholar position in Chinese Archaeology. The successful candidate will demonstrate prior achievement in research in Chinese Archaeology with a preference in archaeological sciences. The candidate will put forth a coherent proposal for research at Stanford University and will be expected to teach one or more courses and to engage with faculty and graduate students at the Archaeology Center. The faculty sponsor of this post-doctoral scholar is Professor Li Liu.

By Andrew Womack on 22 Jun 2020 4:51 PM

Although not specifically focused on East Asia, this position is sponsored by an East Asia specialist and therefore may be of interest: 

Reconstruction of Holocene Temperature and Precipitation

The Geosciences Research Division (GRD) at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography has an opening starting in 2020 for one Postdoctoral Scholar. The candidate will work on a project to develop a new reconstruction of Holocene temperature and precipitation in the d’Alpoim Guedes Laboratory. The objective is to create and update a database of paleoclimate proxies and downscaling these records to provide a high-resolution map of the impact of changing precipitation and temperature on the ability of different cultivars to complete their lifecycle. Overall, the objective is that these models will be integrated with population genomic data as well as data on archaeological site timing and distribution.