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Share the latest news of your work with your colleagues, advertise for job or fellowship openings, find participants for your conference session and more on the SEAA blog.

Guidelines: All posts should be related in some way to East Asian Archaeology. When writing your post, please use capital letters for surnames. Original script (Chinese, Korean, Japanese) for East Asian place names, personal names, or archaeological terms is encouraged. For the transcription of East Asian language terms, Pinyin for Chinese, Hepburn for Japanese, and the Korean Government System (2000) for Korean is encouraged.

Contributions should be limited to around 500 words and 1-2 images. For longer descriptions of your projects, you may consider the Reports section of the Bulletin (BSEAA).

Members can submit their news posts to the SEAA web editor via the website (see SEAA Members' Area for details and instructions on blog submissions) or via email. Non-member contributions are also welcome and may be submitted via email to the SEAA web editor.

The editor(s) reserves the right to carry out minor editing, or to decline contributions inappropriate to the objectives of SEAA.

Activists and Advocacy Beyond Academia

The Association for Asian Studies will be hosting a webinar on Monday, May 2, 2022, from 9-11 AM Eastern Time. 

The webinar centers on the experiences of activists in East and South Asia. Sharing information on how activists have encountered attacks on their work and persons in digital and analog spaces in relation to venues such as non-profits, government organizations, or other capacities, the speakers will educate scholars and listeners on how they can operate in solidarity with activists and grow our global networks of collaboration.


The Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) is Canada’s celebrated international museum and houses important collections of art, culture and nature ( ROM is the largest and most attended museum in Canada, attracting more than 1.3 million visitors per year. It has a membership of over 32,000 households and an annual budget of $80 million CAD, and is a world leader in communicating its research and collections to the public.

IDEAL HOMES Domestic Materiality and Past Identities

Call for book chapters: IDEAL HOMES Domestic Materiality and Past Identities

Ideal Homes Domestic Materiality and Past Identities

Briefing: What happened is, we grew lonely living among the things, so we gave the clock a face, the chair a back, the table four stout legs which will never suffer fatigue.

Even what was beyond us was recast in our image Lisel Mueller. “Things” Mobile societies of the past may well have defined their sources of security and socialisation in different terms than later agricultural peoples, as an entire landscape was ‘home’ for them.

Chinese archaeologists say they have found the legendary Jixia Academy from the Warring States period.

POPULAR ARCHAEOLOGY: Archaeologists discover centre for greatest Chinese philosophers during Warring States period from over 2,000 years ago

As chaos reigned during the Warring States period (475-221BC), rulers across ancient China turned to intellectuals to find a way out of perpetual war, and the Jixia Academy in the state of Qi stood out for its power to attract the greatest Chinese thinkers of the time.

The institute used to be a place relegated to the historical record; experts believed it probably existed, but little was known about Jixia and there was no definitive proof that it was a real place.

The Chinese government revealed its top archaeology finds from 2021

POPULAR ARCHAEOLOGY: Chinese government reveals its most significant archaeological breakthroughs of 2021

For Chinese archaeology, 2021 was a banner year highlighted by the global breakthrough that was the beautifully preserved ancient gold masks discovered at Sanxingdui.

Last week, the Institute of Archaeology under the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences announced what it believed were the most important archaeology finds in China last year. While most of the sites were discovered before 2021, they all featured remarkable excavation finds from last year.

The discoveries help paint a picture of ancient Chinese society across the millennia.

SASA Intern and Volunteer Positions, Summer 2022

Save Ancient Studies Alliance (SASA) is pleased to announce that we have a number of Intern and Volunteer Positions opening over the Summer period. These positions are a fantastic way of getting involved with a vibrant educational community and outreach-oriented non-profit in the Ancient Studies sector, and can also qualify as college credits for those in full-time study. SASA is looking for people from all kinds of backgrounds, who are interested in growing, developing their skills, and making a difference.

Lectures: Nara National Research Institute for Cultural Properties International Archaeological Site Talk

A series of talks from the Nara National Research Institute for Cultural Properties International Archaeological Site have been uploaded to Youtube for viewing. They will be available until the end of March - please see below for the a list of the participants and links to each of the talks. 

------ New video ------
1st Relay Talk
Mark Hudson
"Another Japanese Archeology from the Survey of the Miyakojima Long Tomb Site"


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Membership can be considered for any individual, professional or non-professional, doing research related to the archaeology of East Asia (China, Korea, Japan) or otherwise interested in the field. Please click the button above to sign up or renew now.