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IDEAL HOMES Domestic Materiality and Past Identities

Ideal Homes Domestic Materiality and Past Identities

Briefing: What happened is, we grew lonely living among the things, so we gave the clock a face, the chair a back, the table four stout legs which will never suffer fatigue.

Even what was beyond us was recast in our image Lisel Mueller. “Things” Mobile societies of the past may well have defined their sources of security and socialisation in different terms than later agricultural peoples, as an entire landscape was ‘home’ for them.

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Funded by the John Templeton Foundation, the Database of Religious History at the University of British Columbia is actively recruiting experts to fill out entries on East Asian religion. Entries may be written in Chinese OR English.

Benefits of Writing an Entry: Contribute to an international database on world history; Receive a publication credit; Honorarium available while funds last for complete entries finished within 60 days. 

Entry Requirements: Introductory paragraph (approx. 400 words); All quantitative questions answered; As many qualitative comments as possible (no set word count); Approximately 20-40 pdf pages (number will vary based on topic).

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The Society for Archaeological Sciences (SAS) will offer one award every year for the best published paper on science-based archaeological research in ceramics in honor of Charles C. Kolb. The purpose of the award is to promote and acknowledge research excellence in the field of archaeological ceramics and highlight the key role of interdisciplinarity.

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Lia Wei, Estelle Bauer (both from National Institute for Oriental Languages and Civilizations, Paris), and Shao-Lan Hertel (Director of the East Asian Art Museum in Cologne) are proposing a panel on East Asian visual and material culture at the next Congrès International d'Histoire de l'Art held in Lyon, June 2024. If you are interested in participating as speaker in this panel, please see the information below. Please noted that the submission deadline is 15 September 2023 (a bit of flexibility might be allowed).

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TAG 2020 at Stanford University

May 1-3, 2020

TAG 2020 Stanford aims to facilitate archaeological conversation across a range of topics, formats, and media. The conference will include a variety of events: a full-day plenary debate on the “Potentials and Limits of Big Data” in archaeology; two days of thematically open, concurrent breakout sessions; and a range of art exhibitions to stimulate conversations about the intersections of ethics, politics, and archaeological practice. In the spirit of the Stanford Archaeology Center, a space that fosters collaboration and discussion among archaeologists in different disciplines, we welcome sessions and papers on all current archaeological topics. 


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The Board of the European Association for Asian Art and Archaeology (EAAA) is pleased to announce a call for papers for the 4th EAAA Conference to be held at the School of Arts and Humanities – University of Lisbon (Portugal) between 8 and 13 September 2025. The 4th Conference is jointly organised by the European Association for Asian Art and Archaeology (EAAA), the UNIARQ – Centre for Archaeology (School of Arts and Humanities), the CH-ULisboa – Centre for History of the University of Lisbon, ARTIS-Institute of Art History and ACN-Asia Collections Network.
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The Forbidden City (China) and Parthenon (Greece) display dramatically different conservation approaches, reflecting varied cultural understandings of what counts as “authentic” in the presentation of the past.

What we deem to be genuine or fake is not an objective determination, but something that we agree upon as communities. Debates about authenticity, moreover, are often intimately bound to question who owns the past and its representation. Please join us at Oxford on May 28th-30th, 2020, for a discussion on the construction of “authenticity,” both historically and today, in relation to China’s cultural heritage (those objects and texts concerned with China’s past). Applications are now invited for the presentation of papers (~20-30 minutes in length) on this theme.

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