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What is the DRH? 

The DRH is a massive, standardized, searchable encyclopedia of the current best scholarly opinion on historical religious traditions and the historical record more generally.

It allows users to instantly gain an overview of the state of scholarly opinion and access powerful, built-in analytic and data visualization tools.

Want to contribute? 

If you are a historian or religious studies expert, you can help make the DRH better. It is a great chance to contribute to an important academic resource. The DRH is actively recruiting experts to fill out entries on East Asian religion. Entries may be written in Chinese OR English.

Benefits of Writing an Entry: Contribute to an international database on world history; Receive a publication credit; Honorarium available while funds last for complete entries finished within 60 days. 

Entry Requirements: Introductory paragraph (approx. 400 words); All quantitative questions answered; As many qualitative comments as possible (no set word count); Approximately 20-40 pdf pages (number will vary based on topic).

Contact Editor: Matthew Hamm (

Editor, Archaeological East Asia: Katrinka Reinhart ( 

Introductory video:

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In commemoration of Lothar von Falkenhausen’s 60th birthday, this volume assembles eighteen scholarly essays that explore the intersection between art, economy, and ritual in ancient East Asia. The contributions are clustered into four themes: “Ritual Economy,” “Ritual and Sacrifice,” “Technology, Community, Interaction,” and “Objects and Meaning,” which collectively reflect the theoretical, methodological, and historical questions that Falkenhausen has been examining via his scholarship, research, and teaching throughout his career.

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The 10th Worldwide Conference of the Society for East Asian Archaeology will be held next year in Aberdeen, Scotland, UK. Please save the date and plan for your papers and visits. The conference dates are August 19-23rd, 2025.  The call for papers, posters, and sessions will open on September 2nd, 2024 and registration and abstracts, to be submitted by November 29, 2024.  Topics can cover the archaeology of East Asia and adjacent regions including Eurasia, North Asia, the Pacific and Southeast Asia as well as the East Asian diaspora worldwide. There will be concurrent sessions and plenty of space for posters. Our meeting will be hosted by the Department of Archaeology in the School of Geosciences.
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The Society for east Asian Archaeology held its first online book talk via Zoom on Thursday 8 December 2022. The talk featured Dr. Wengcheong Lam (Chinese University of Hong Kong) and Dr. Qin Cao (Oriental Museum, Durham University) on the launch of their new books, “Connectivity, Imperialism, and the Han Iron Industry” and “Weapons in Late Shang (c. 1250-1050 BCE) China: Beyond Typology and Ritual”. Also in attendance is Dr. Rowan Flad (Harvard University), the series editor for the Routledge Series in Chinese Archaeology, who served as discussant.

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The Society of East Asian Archaeology Online Student Conference 

Registration is open to all and free of charge. You do not need to be a speaker to attend. If you have not yet registered for the conference, please do so NOW via the following link:

Presentation abstracts for the upcoming SEAA conference are available on the SEAA website via the following link:


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A workshop on Silk Roads Archaeology organized by SEAA is going to take place in Oxford, UK, on November 7-8, 2024. The workshop includes a free visit to the Silk Roads Exhibition at the British Museum on November 7, followed by a one-day discussion on recent archaeological discoveries and insights drawn from the rich concept of Silk Roads at Oxford on November 8. An official Call for Papers and further information will be posted on our social media platforms and website in mid/late July, and the deadline for submission is planned on August 31. Please save the date!
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