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Cover for Pillage is Prohibited conference

​​​Mesdames et Messieurs, chers collègues,​​


Nous sommes très heureux de vous faire parvenir le programme du premier atelier international de recherche 'Pillage is formally prohibited'. Provence Research on East Asian Art sur la translocation ​des objets chinois, japonais et coréens à l'Europe et aux Etats Unis qui aura lieu le 8 et 9 novembre 2019 au Musée d'art asiatique de Berlin (Museum für Asiatische Kunst, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin). 

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American School of Prehistoric Research Junior Fellowship The American School of Prehistoric Research (ASPR), which supports research and education in Old World prehistory, is pleased to announce ASPR Junior Fellowships: postdoctoral research fellowships at Harvard University for recent PhDs who are pursuing independent research on Old World prehistory. Eligible candidates can be of any nationality but must be at an early stage of their scholarly career doing research that focuses on Old World prehistory.

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Archaeological excavations in China in modern times have occurred since the late 19th century, often organized by non-Chinese expeditions who took advantage of the tumultous times and unregulated situation in many regions. Also and famously, the beginning of the consecutive finds of the so-called oracle bone inscriptions at Anyang can be traced back to the years after 1899. So in many senses, Chinese archaeology is older than a century. However, the 1920s mark another kind of beginning for the discipline, as this was the decade that saw many of the most epochal finds in China, framed by the discovery of the Neolithic Yangshao ceramic complex in 1921 and that of the homo erectus pekinensis in 1929 and including the decades-long first fully Chinese-led modern excavation at Anyang from 1928 onward. Therefore, rather than taking the exact year of the “birth of Chinese archaeology” too seriously, we are happy to use this historical background as a convenient reason to celebrate the really astounding results that this discipline has achieved so far and especially in recent times. This should serve as both an introduction to specialists of non-Chinese archaeologies as well as to non-archaeological specialists on China. And it should serve as a forum for specialists on Chinese archaeology to talk about the latest developments in the field and think together about solutions for some of the more vexing and fascinating problems the field is facing right now. The topics, most of which have a certain provocative edge or focus on unsolved questions, have been chosen with the latter consideration in mind. (Enno Giele, Heidelberg University)

For more information and to get register, please visit:

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The Pennsylvania State University invites applicants for its annual Global Asias Summer Institute, to be held June 19–23, 2023.

Institute participants spend a week reading and thinking about the annual theme, as well as significant time workshopping their work in progress. Particularly strong work will be considered for publication in an upcoming special issue of the award-winning journal, Verge: Studies in Global Asias.

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