From Carmen Ting, Editor for the Society for Archaeological Sciences Bulletin
I hope you have noticed and are pleased with the changes we have slowly implemented to the SAS bulletin over the past year. As promised in our last Annual General Meeting - which was also our very first virtual meeting, we are expanding our editorial team so that we can bring to you a broader spectrum of topics, truly reflecting the interdisciplinary of and innovation in our field. In addition to adding new blood, we are looking to replace one of most loyal contributors, Dr Charlie Kolb, who is stepping down from his role as the Associate Editor for Archaeological Ceramics due to personal reasons after serving the editorial board and the SAS in different capacities for decades. You will be sorely missed and there will be some big shoes to fill. Thus, we are currently looking to fill in the associate editors for the following areas:
Archaeological Ceramics (available from Spring 2021)
Bioarchaeology (available now)
Archaeobotany (available now)
Geoarchaeology (available now)
Remote Sensing and Prospection (available now)