In this MSc course, you will learn how archaeological science provides fundamental insights into the ways humans have transformed natural materials, from the Palaeolithic to the Industrial Revolution.

Archaeological Science is fundamentally concerned with humanity’s engagement with the material world. The study of archaeological remains through the lens of geology, chemistry, and materials science not only illuminates the early development of technologies that are fundamental to the modern world, but it also helps us understand how people thought, how their societies were organized, and how they interacted. The techniques of materials analysis are also vitally important in many cases of forensic importance, especially those involving the illicit antiquities trade and other heritage crimes.

This course is intended to give you a firm grounding in the principles and practice of Archaeological Science research. We cover both the natural science fundamentals necessary for analyzing archaeological objects, as well as the research landscape around key archaeological themes relevant to these investigations. Key themes include innovation, technology, exchange, craft production, consumption patterns and interaction.

You will develop hands-on experience with the wide range of approaches scientists use to study the past, from the laboratory analysis of artifacts to the experimental recreation of traditional technologies.

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