New Book: Ancient Japan in East Asia: archeology, mythology, history.

The collection includes memoirs about the outstanding Russian orientalist, specialist in the history of peoples, countries and legal systems of the states of the Far East - Mikhail Vasilyevich Vorobyov, as well as articles and translations of sources on the history of primitive Korea and primitive, ancient and early medieval Japan until the beginning of the VIII century, presented by Russian and foreign researchers.

You can download the whole book here: 

FREE E-BOOK: Violence and the Rise of Centralized States in East Asia

[Free E-book] Dear friends of SEAA, the Cambridge University Press will be launching a new series titled "Cambridge Elements: Ancient East Asia.” The inaugural piece, "Violence and the Rise of Centralized States in East Asia.", by Mark Edward Lewis, will be FREE to download from March 10-24, 2022. See link for more information:

Book cover

NEW BOOK: The Oxford Handbook of Early China

The Oxford Handbook of Early China

Edited by Elizabeth Childs-Johnson

The Oxford Handbook on Early China brings 30 scholars together to cover early China from the Neolithic through Warring States periods (ca 5000-500BCE). The study is chronological and incorporates a multidisciplinary approach, covering topics from archaeology, anthropology, art history, architecture, music, and metallurgy, to literature, religion, paleography, cosmology, religion, prehistory, and history.

Jade suit book cover

NEW BOOK: Kingly Splendor Court Art and Materiality in Han China

The Western Han dynasty (202 BCE–9 CE) was a foundational period for the
artistic culture of ancient China, a fact particularly visible in the era’s
funerary art. Iconic forms of Chinese art such as dazzling suits of jade;
cavernous, rock-cut mountain tombs; fancifully ornate wall paintings; and
armies of miniature terracotta warriors were prepared for the tombs of the
elite during this period. Many of the finest objects of the Western Han have
been excavated from the tombs of kings, who administered local provinces on behalf of the emperors.


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