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Call for applications, Mongolia Field School 2019

Type: Summer Program
Date: April 30, 2019
Location: Mongolia
Subject Fields: Anthropology, Archaeology, East Asian History / Studies, Geography, Immigration & Migration History / Studies

The first annual interdisciplinary Mongolia Field School hosted by the American Center for Mongolian Studies (ACMS) will be held from July 29-August 16, 2019 in Ulaanbaatar and field sites near Lake Hovsgol in northern Mongolia. The Field School is open to all participants, including undergraduate and graduate students, teachers at all levels and life-long learners interested in academic studies and research that explore Mongolia's unique history, culture and contemporary issues.

The Mongolia Field School highlights three potential concentration topics, including public archeology, migration studies and renewable energy, and all participants will have the opportunity to learn field research techniques and conduct self-selected research projects. Previous experience in Mongolia or with field studies is not required. The priority deadline for applications is February 15, 2019, and the final program application deadline is April 30, 2019.

The Mongolia Field School will begin and end in Ulaanbaatar with an orientation course, Modern Mongolia: History, Culture and Society in a Changing World, that will include lectures by Mongolian and international experts and visits to local museums and sites of interest. All Field School participants will be able to experience the best of Mongolian culture, including a visit to Hustai National Park to see the famous Takhi (Przewalski) native horses, horse riding and staying in traditional nomadic tents (gers).

After the orientation, participants will join faculty led teams focusing on one of three concentration areas, which will take place in both the capital city and rural regions of Mongolia, utilizing the main field camp at Hatgal, near Lake Hovsgol.

- Northern Mongolia Salvage Archaeology and Public Engagement led by Dr. Julia Clark of NOMAD Science.

- Migrants, Migration and Contemporary Livelihoods in Mongolia led by Dr. Holly Barcus of Macalester College.

- Mongolia’s Energy Transition led by Dr. Darrin Magee of Hobart and William Smith Colleges and Dr. Charles Krusekopf of Royal Roads University.

Tuition for the program is $2,900 for all participants, which will cover all program costs in Mongolia, including meals, housing, transportation, instruction and site visits. A significant number of scholarships of up to $3,500 are available based on merit and need through the generous support of the Henry Luce Foundation.

Additional information on the program, fellowship awards and application process is available at:

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More information on the American Center for Mongolian Studies is available at