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Hybrid Conference: Archaeology of Food and Foodways

Call for Papers: Archaeology of Food and Foodways: Methods and Cases

A hybrid conference co-organized by the Institute of History and Philology of Academia Sinica, the Taiwan Center for Pacific Studies, National Taiwan University, and the Society for East Asian Archaeology (SEAA)

Food is a fundamental aspect of human life that not only sustains us physically but also holds significant cultural, social, and historical meanings. The study of the archaeology of food and foodways provides unique insights into past societies, their practices, beliefs, and interactions. This interdisciplinary field utilizes a variety of methods to uncover the complexities of ancient food practices and their implications for understanding human histories and societies.

The hybrid conference on Archaeology of Food and Foodways seeks to explore the diverse methods and case studies within the archaeology of food and foodways. We invite researchers, scholars, and practitioners to contribute their work on topics including, but not limited to:

Organizational Details
The conference will be held in hybrid format with the physical location being at Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. Participation is free and meals during the conference will be provided, but participants have to arrange and finance their own travel and housing (if they attend in person). The organizers will provide information on location of the venue and various housing options. The conference will run over two days. The exact length of presentation and discussion time will depend on the number of attendees but will likely be somewhere between 15 and 30 minutes. This will be announced closer to the time.

Optional Post-Conference Tour
After the conference, an optional conference tour is offered which runs from December 7-9. The costs for the tour are about 200 USD per person (depending on available funding), including foods, transportation, accommodations, insurance, and tour guide fees. Payment is to be made at the latest by November 1 via online payment. Further information on the payment modalities and exact costs will be made closer to the time.

The tour will start with a trip to Taitung County on December 7 where the group will visit the Kanding tribe and the Nanwang indigenous communities and learn about their cuisine. Then the group will continue to Hualien County. In the morning of December 8, the group will visit Chuli Brewing, where they use ethnobotanical plants for brewing, and in the afternoon there is a visit to Xin Chuan Wild Vegetable Garden. On December 9, the group will go to the Hualien Wild Vegetable School and – time allowing – to the Hualien Agricultural Research and Extension Station, where many different subspecies of millet and rice can be found. The exact details will be announced in August.


Important dates
•    Abstract submission system opens: August 1, 2024
•    Abstract submission deadline: September 15, 2024
•    Notification of acceptance: September 30, 2024
•    Payment of post-conference tour fee if applicable: November 1
•    Conference dates: December 5-6, 2024
•    Optional post-conference tour: December 7-9, 2024


Submission Guideline
Interested participants are invited to submit abstracts of no more than 300 words outlining their proposed presentation. Submissions via the SEAA website should include the title, author(s) name(s), affiliation(s), and contact information, and indicate whether the participation is in person or remote. The deadline for abstract submissions is September 15, 2024.


Publication Opportunity
Selected papers will be published in a special issue of a related journal or in an edited volume.


Contact Information
For any inquiries or additional information, please contact Liyin Wang (


We look forward to receiving your contributions and engaging in fruitful discussions on the archaeology of food and foodways.


Anke Hein and Kuei-chen Lin