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Sixth Worldwide Conference of the SEAA 6-10 June 2014, Ulanbaatar [Улаанбаатар], Mongolia: Schedule and Session Abstracts

Schedule and Session Abstracts

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JUNE 6, Friday afternoon

Opening Session
Organizer: TUMEN Dashtseveg

TSERENDAGVA Yadmaa: Recent Studies of the Mongolian Paleolithic
TUMEN Dashtseveg: Bronze and Early Iron Age Cultural Diversity and Population Migration in Mongolia
ERDENEBAATAR Diimaajav: Results of the Study of the Xiongnu Royal Cemetery at Gol mod-2
ODBAATAR Tserendorj: Archaeological Investigations of 6-9th Century in Mongolia
ERDENEBAT Ulambayar: Archaeology of the Great Mongolian Empire (XII-XIV Century AD)

JUNE 7, Saturday morning

Archaeology of Mongolia
Organizers: TUMEN Dashtseveg / ERDENEBAT Ulambayar / ERDENEBAATAR Diimaajav

ANKHSANAA Ganbold, VANCHIGDASH Chuluunkhuu: Chronology of Rock Art of Mongolia
BAYARSAIKHAN Jamsranjav: Strange New Deer Stone at Zunii Gol Site
ODBAATAR Tserendorj: Archaeological Investigation of Uighur Royal Tombs Called "Durvuljin"
ERDENEBAATAR Diimaajav: Archaeological Study of the Bronze Age Culture in Mongolia
VANCHIGDASH Chuluunkhuu, TUMEN Dashtseveg: Anthropology of Xiongnu

BOLDBAATAR Yundebat: Some Thoughts of Images on Deer Stones and their Interpretation
BOLORMAA Sakhiya, BAT-ERDENE Sukhbaatar, BYAMBA-OCHIR Tsedendamba: Archaeological Study of the Xiongnu Cemetery in North Mongolia
ERDENEBOLD Lkhagvasuren, VANCHIGDASH Chuluunkhuu: The Features of Animal Sacrifices in the Xiongnu Cemetery in Elst Ar, Central Mongolia
TEYSSANDIER Nicholas, GUNCHINSUREN Byambaa, ANTOINE P., BRAGA José, CALASTRENC G., DISCAMPS E., DURANTHON R., IZUHO M., LKUNDEV G., MENARD C., TSEDENDORJ B., ZWYNS Nicolas: Archaeological Survey and Upper Paleolithic Assemblages in North-Eastern Mongolia: Introducing the Havstgayt Valley

Session Abstract:
In the session will be presented main results of investigation of archaeological cultural monuments from different historical periods (from Bronze age up to Mongolian period) of Mongolia and its surrounding territories.

Surfacing the Past: Field Methods and Techniques of Archaeological Investigations in East and Central Asia
Organizer: CHAN Annie

JIA Xiaobing: Considering Methods and Theories of Island Archaeology: Excavations at Xiaozhushan, Guanglu Island (Liaoning, China)
GUSEV Sergey: Results of Complex Geoarchaeological and Landscape Investigations of Old Whaling Culture Site Un’en’en (Northwest Beringia)
MORIYA Toyohito: A Study of the Utilization of Wood to Build Pit-dwellings from Epi-Jomon Culture to Satsumon Culture in Hokkaido Region, Japan
BOURGEOIS Jean, GHEYLE Wouter, DVOMIKOV A., EBEL A., PLETS Gertjan: Archaeological Field Methods and Techniques for Landscape Archaeological Research in the Altai Mountains (Siberia, Russia)

CHAN Annie, CONG Dexin: Excavation and Survey Methods for Reconstructing Bronze Age Stone Architecture in the Dzungarian Alatau (Xinjiang, China)
GILLAM J. Christopher, GLADYSHEV Sergei A., GUNCHINSUREN Byambaa, OLSEN John W., TABAREV Andrei V. and ZWYNS Nicolas: Visualizing Time, Space, and Context in Paleolithic Landscapes of Northern Mongolia
CHEN Pochan, CHENG Chief-fu Jeff: Archaeologies of Trail, Road, and Path: a Case Study of Pattonkan Historical Trail in Taiwan
ZHOU Hai: Archaeological Methods and Theories for Investigating Neolithic Cave sites in Guilin, China

Session Abstract:
As archaeological research leans increasingly towards interdisciplinary measures of investigation, owing to advances in visual informatics, geomorphological and biomolecular studies, archaeologists are provided with the means to ‘visualize’ the ancient past with greater accuracy. This progress calls for a more acute attention to how data are collected from archaeological sites based on how research questions are framed. Discerning the relationship between site formation processes and the nature of the archaeological evidence allows us to reconstruct the history and function of site use and detect behavioral variability in time and space.
This panel explores research designs of current archaeological fieldwork in East and Central Asia by considering techniques and methods used in various geographical environments. Presenters will discuss site-specific approaches and strategies tailored to different environmental contexts and the efficacy of their methodologies in reconstructing paleoenvironments, diagnosing the nature of the archaeological deposits, and formulating future research questions.

The Study of Artifacts: Production, Distribution and Interpretation
Chair: CHIOU-PENG TzeHuey

CUI Jianfeng, NI Run'an, LIU Guoxiang, BAI Jinsong: Chemical Analyses of Glass Beads from Mogushan, a Xianbei Cemetery in Hulun Buir of Inner Mongolia
OWLETT Tricia: Shell Tool Production Systems in the Ryukyu Islands, Japan: Raw Material and Manufacturing Technology
YOO Yongwook: A Closer Look at the Handaxe from Imjin-Hantan River Area, Korea
ZHUSHCHIKHOVSKAYA Irina, NIKITIN Yuri G.: Cultural Contexts of First Bronzes in the Southern Russian Far East
LEBEDINTSEV Alexander: Distribution of Metal throughout the Coastal Margins of the Okhotsk Sea Maritime Region

MATSUMOTO Keita: The Beginning of the Bronze Age in Xinjiang and the Great Wall Region
LYONS James Scott: Iron Knives of the Early Kofun Period: Forms, Production, and Circulation
CHIOU-PENG TzeHuey: Contextualizing Isolated Archaeological Finds: a Case Study of the Rudimentary Kettledrums in Yunnan and the Red River Delta of Vietnam
KIZAWA Naoko: A Study of “Double-sided Comb” in Ancient East Asia: Excavated Examples and their Origin

JUNE 7, Saturday afternoon

New Perspectives of Paleopathology in East Asia
Organizers: FUJITA Hisashi / ERDENE Myagmar / SHIN Dong-Hoon

FUJITA Hisashi: Paleohealth of Jomon Peoples in Japan from the Prevalence of Cribra Orbitalia
MIJIDDORJ Enkhbayar: Bioarchaeological Research of Salkhit Site in Northern Mongolia
FUJISAWA Shiori: Paleopathological Study on the Skeletal Remains of Edo Period in Japan
ERDENE Myagmar: Dental Pathologies in the Bronze Age Populations from Mongolia

WOO Eun Jin: A Case of Dwarfism from the Joseon Dynasty, South Korea
KIM Myeung Ju, SHIN Dong-Hoon: Paleopathological Studies on Korean Human Remains Excavated from 17th Century Lime-Soil Mixture Barrier (LSMB) Tomb
LEE Won-Joon, LEE U-Young, GAVAACHIMED Lkhagvasuren, TUMEN Dashtseveg, LEE Kwang-Ho: Craniofacial Reconstruction from a Skull of a Young Female in Neolithic Age of Mongolia

Session Abstract:
Paleopathology is the study of the ancient diseases of the human bodies in the past. However, the number of those engaged in this field of researchers has not necessarily been numerous. In recent years, with the publication of International Journal of Paleopathology, the interest of paleopathology has been increasing year by year. The paleopathologists in Asia have also begun to publish their studies, not only in the Journals of their respective countries, but also in international Journals. This signifies evaluated a great advancement. In the upcoming symposium on the subject of "New Perspectives of Paleopathology in East Asia", the paleopathologists of three countries, Japan, Korea and Mongolia, will be presenting the results of their respective research. We are convinced that this symposium will contribute to the collaboration of paleopathologists in Asian, as well as to further developments of research in this field.

Chinese Archaeology
Chair: WILLIAMS James

LIN Kuei-chen: Settlements on the Chengdu Plain in the Second and First Millennia BC
LAI Celine Y. Y.: An Early Bronze Age Culture in Hunan: Where, When and Who?
ZHU Si-mei: Demographic Research on the Bones of Jinggouzi Site in Linxi County of the Inner Mongolia Area
WILLIAMS James T.: Settlement Patterns During the Iron Age In Zhangwu, Liaoning, China: a View from the Yan Periphery

Ritual Practice, Settlements, and Subsistence in North Asia

LEBEDINTSEV Alexander: Formation and Development of the Okhotsk Sea Maritime Cultures
TABAREV Andrey, POPOV Alexander N.: New Data on the Neolithic in the Russian Far East, and its Correlation within the Pacific
BRODERICK Lee, SEITSONEN Oula, HOULE Jean-Luc: Rings of Fire?
WEI Jian: Early Mongol Remains in Archaeological Perspective (7th-12th Century)

Making Places in Early Korea: Patterns of Space in Households, Communities, and States
Organizer: LEE Rachel

LEE Rachel: Boundary Making in Mumun Period Households
KO Min-Jung, YUN Ho-Pil: Bronze Age (Mumun Period) Village Organization and Networks: Research from the Western Gyeongnam Region
KIM Kwon-Joong: Changing Patterns of Bronze Age Intra-Village Spatial Organization: Research from the Gyeonggi Region
KIM Bumcheol: Hierarchy, Heterarchy and Individuals: Middle Bronze Age Intra-Community Mortuary Practices in Central-Western Korea

KANG Dong Seok: Understanding Socioeconomic Hierarchy through the Spatial Analysis of Dolmen Distribution Patterns
OH Kangwon: The Spatial Intersection of Ritual Practice and Power Negotiation: The Early Iron Age Houses of the Wunushan Hillfort
LEE Sungjoo, PARK Seongmin: Changing Spatial Patterns in the Development of Ancient Silla Burials
KIM Taehee, SOHN Chul: The Spatial Organization and Social Landscape of Goguryeo Cemeteries in Jian 

Session Abstract:
The study of space continues to be an important part of archaeological inquiry. The analysis of spatial data, from artifacts to settlements, has brought greater insight into the relationship between the materials we excavate and their social, political, economic, or ideological significance. This session will explore the use and patterns of space in prehistoric and early historic periods in Korea, with emphasis on how these spaces related to or resulted from synchronic and diachronic cultural processes. Papers will consider the significance of spatial patterns in mortuary practices, ritual practices, village organization, and household organization.

JUNE 8, Sunday morning

Redefining Configurations of Urban Settings: Centers of Social and Economic Activity in the Inner Asian Steppe
Organizer: MILLER Bryan

BEMMANN Jan H.: Aspects of Urbanization and Centrality in Nomadic Empires
MILLER Bryan K.: Reconsidering Urban Settings of the Xiongnu
FRANKEN Christina: Architecture of Power in Nomadic Societies: Religious and Profane Architecture in the Old Uighurian Capital Karabalgasun
BENNETT Gwen: Cities for Whom? Liao Administrative and Production Centers in Chifeng, Inner Mongolia, China

KRADIN Nikolay: Kitan Urbanization of the Mongolian Steppes
KHARINSKII Artur: The "Wall of Chingis Khan": Frontier Fortification of the Liao Empire
REICHERT Susanne, POHL Ernst: Urbanism in the Mongol Empire: Karakorum and its Hinterland

Session Abstract:
The development of urban centers associated with large scale production, exchange, and habitation are often deemed incompatible with societies that have mobile components, or are engaged in greater mobility related to pastoral production. Nevertheless, numerous steppe societies in Inner Asia have established urban sites equivalent to those associated with settled agricultural groups. The goal of this session is thus to reexamine concepts of urbanism, urbanization and urban settings in relation to societies that have mobile or semi-mobile components. Papers in the session will address economic and social activities that occurred at, or in the vicinity of, permanently constructed urban sites in the steppe. This is important as the broad spectrum of mobilities, seasonal occupations, and pastoral strategies might affect the configurations, functions, and use-patterns of permanent centers. These Discussions of permanent sites of pastoral and mobile groups thereby aim to augment broader comparative analyses of urban developments.

Charting the Social Lives of Objects and Goods in China: Perspectives from Archaeology and Art History
Organizers: SUN Yan / ALLARD Francis

PRIEWE Sascha: The Fragmentation of Jade along the Late Neolithic Yangzi River
SUN Yan: The Life History of Bronze Willow-Leaf Shaped Swords in Early Western Zhou China
HOMMEL Peter: Gathered and Given: Exploring the Composite Biographies of Bead Assemblages in the Tombs of the Western Zhou
ALLARD Francis: Transformations and Incorporations at the Crossroad: The Case of the Nanyue Kingdom(2nd century BCE) in Southern China

CHEN Pochan: The Social Life of Salt in Ancient China
RUBINSON Karen S.: On the Road Again: Chinese Mirrors in Afghanistan
DU Hui: Appropriating the Other: Exchange, Material Culture and Colonialism in Taiwan, 1850-1945
LINDUFF Katheryn: Artifacts that Invoke the Aura and Authority of the Ancient

Session Abstract:
This session focuses on the topic of the ‘social lives’ of objects and goods in China, a topic that has received a fair amount of attention by scholars in other parts of the world, but practically none in East Asia. Sometimes referred to as the charting of object ‘biographies’ or ‘life histories’, the approach chronicles – as best it can based on available material, contextual and textual evidence - how the function and ‘meaning’ of individual objects and goods (or their copies) change as they move through geographical, temporal and socio-political space. The archaeological and art historical case studies offered here illustrate the many ways in which meaning and function can be intentionally or unintentionally altered, or even in some cases forgotten and then reinvented de novo.

Starting Over Again: the Early Palaeolithic Research in Japan Today
Organizers: IKAWA-SMITH Fumiko / SATO Hiroyuki

IKAWA-SMITH Fumiko: Introduction
KURODA Atsushi, KIKUCHI Kyoichi, KOMUKAI Hiroaki, TAKEDA Yoshio: Investigation of the Kanedori Site in Iwate Prefecture, Northern Honshu
OTAKE Noriaki: Study of the Palaeolithic Industries of the Takesa-Nakahara Site, Nagano Prefecture, Central Honshu
UEMINE Atsushi, MATSUFUJI Kazuto, SHIBATA Masaki: Recovery of the Old Ground Surfaces at Sunabara Site in Shimane Prefecture, Japan

AKOSHIMA Kaoru, YANAGIDA Toshio: Continuing Investigation at the Sozudai Site, Northern Kyushu
SATO Hiroyuki, HAGIWARA Hirofumi, SHIOZUKA Koichi: The Lithic Assemblages of the Iriguchi Site, Nagasaki Prefecture, Northern Kyushu
WADA Yoshifumi: Lithic Assemblages from the Lowest Layer of the Ono Site, Hitoyoshi, Southern Kyushu
SATO Hiroyuki: Comments: Recent Research on the Japanese Early Palaeolithic

Session Abstract:
The exposure in 2000 of the "Fujimura scandal" led to nullification of over 100 "Early" and "Middle" Palaeolithic assemblages, that had been tainted by fraudulent activities of an amateur archaeologist, Shin ‘chi Fujimura. The event had a profound negative impact on palaeolithic research in Japan, but work has been going on, recently with added vigour. While the overwhelming majority of some 14,000 Palaeolithic assemblages in Japan date to the period after about 40kya, there are a small number that appear to suggest earlier arrivals of hominins in the Archipelago. Among these are from the sites where investigation had begun before Fujimura appeared on the scene and remained untainted by his activities, and others that were newly identified during the last decade. The session attempts to bring the recent findings from these "controversial" sites, presented by the principal investigators themselves, to the international gathering of scholars for their own evaluation.

JUNE 9, Monday morning

The Hunter-gatherer Backbone of the Northeast Asian Bronze Age: Late Paleolithic and Neolithic Adaptations to Northern Latitudes
Organizers: BARTON Loukas / CLARK Julia

BARTON Loukas: Microblades, Marginality, and Mobility
TABAREV Andrey: Principal Technological Innovations in the Stone Age of Northern Mongolia, 45-8,000 BP
ZWYNS Nicolas: The Open-air Site of Tolbor 16 (Northern Mongolia): New Results and Perspectives
MORGAN Christopher: From Serial Specialist to Cereal Specialist: Managing Hunting and Husbandry in the Context of the Terminal Pleistocene-Early Holocene Fitness Landscape of North China

JANZ Lisa: Dune-fields, Wetlands, and Sheep in Mongolia: Finding the Origins of Pastoralism in Pre-pastoralist Societies
CLARK Julia K.: Hunters in a Herder’s World: Using Ethnoarchaeology, Historical Data and Cultural/ecological Modelling to Investigate Mixed Hunting-herding Strategies in Northern Mongolia
WRIGHT Joshua: Continuity and Change in the Landscape Networks of Holocene Mongolia

Session Abstract:
Despite considerable effort to document and evaluate the earliest evidence for metallurgy, monumentality, and mounted mobility in northern Eurasia, little is known of the adaptive strategies that enabled humans to thrive in northern latitudes. What we do know is that hunter-gatherers of the last glaciation found diverse and often unique ways to exploit desert, steppe, mountain and forest resources, and did so well into the Holocene. In this session we explore the nature of late Pleistocene and early Holocene cultural change (technological, organizational, and institutional) that permitted adaptation to dramatic environmental change, and ultimately set the stage for the adoption of agro-pastoral subsistence and socio-political complexity. This is an opportunity to develop and share novel insights about the ways in which the northern Eurasian Bronze Age was built on the foundations of hunter-gatherer life.

Patterns of Craft Production Since Neolithic Times in China, Part I
Organizers: XIE Liye / CHEN Xingcan

CHEN Xingcan: Were Neolithic Rice Paddies Plowed? Functional Analysis of Plow-shaped Tools from Pishan in the Lower Yangzi River Region, China
FLAD Rowan Kimon: Comparing Prehistoric Salt Production and Associated Social Networks in Shandong and the Three Gorges
KIKUCHI Hiroki: The Birth of the Horse Production System during the Zhou Dynasty, China
MAKIBAYASHI Keisuke: Multiplicity of the Farming Tools of Rice Cultivation in Prehistoric China

XIE Liye: Self-sufficient Household Production of Bone Spades and its Marginal Effects in Early Hemudu Culture, 7,000-6,000 BP, China
NIWA Takafumi: A Transformation of “Multi-production System” in China
HUNG Ling-yu: Technology and Organization of Pottery Production: Ethnoarchaeology in the Upper Yellow River Region, NW China

Session Abstract:
To complete the picture of ancient production systems, we need to pay attention to both specialized and non-specialized craft production, because objects produced in different production systems serve various needs. This symposium attempts to draw case studies from abundant archaeological, ethnographic, and historical resources in China to demonstrate how various patterns of craft production fulfilled different levels of economic and social need under specific cultural, political, and environmental conditions. It promises to bring together a diverse group of researchers with potential to establish theories and methods for understanding multiple facets of a society, including but not limited to its resources, cultural transmission, social structure, politics, and economy.

Advances in Bioarchaeology
Chair: ERDENE Myagmar

BROSSEDER Ursula, BEMMANN Jan, YERUUL-ERDENE Ch., GANTULA J.-O., GRUPPE Gisela, McGLYNN George: Bioarchaeological Research in the Upper Orkhon Valley: State of Research and Future Prospects
GAVAACHIMED Lkhagvasuren, CHOI Jee-Hye, MIN Na Young, HAN Sunghoon, CHOI Jaesung, LEE Si-Eun, LEE Ho Woon, JUNG Eui Do, KIM Sang Kyun, LEE Won-Joon, KIM Jae-Hyun, TUMEN Dashtseveg, LEE Kwang-Ho: Neolithic Populations of Far Eastern Asia (5,000-7,000 yBP) Carried the Europe-prevailing mtDNA Haplogroups
GAVAACHIMED Lkhagvasuren, CHOI Jee-Hye, MIN Na Young, HAN Sunghoon, CHOI Jaesung, LEE Si-Eun, LEE Ho Woon, KIM Jae-Hyun, TUMEN Dashtseveg, LEE Kwang-Ho: The First Molecular Key to Unveiling the Mysterious Genealogy of Genghis Khan’s Family
LIU Ming: Research on Ancient Human Stature in Mid-southern Inner Mongolia, from the Bronze Age to the Early Iron Age

Trade and Interaction in Northeast Asia, Part I: 
Crossroads of Initial and Early States in Northeast Asia

Organizers: NAKAMURA Daisuke / SEYOCK Barbara

SEYOCK Barbara: Memories from Abroad: Han-Chinese and Epi-nomadic Heritage in Korean and Japanese Archaeological Contexts
NAKAMURA Daisuke: Bead Traders and Political Power during the Formation of Early States
NAGATOMO Tomoko: The Innovation of Trade Routes from the 1st Century AD to the 3rd Century AD
UENO Yoshifumi: Chinese Style Items in the Social System of the Early States in East Asia
YAMAMOTO Takafumi: Trade Innovations of Baekje and Silla during State Formation

Session Abstract:
Initial states in the Korean Peninsula and the Japanese Archipelago took shape in the centuries before 300 AD, owing much to stimulations from abroad, especially from the Chinese Han dynasty. Related archaeological data from excavations in Korea and Japan has recently increased, indicating that the trade routes changed drastically during this period. Initial states apparently have not formed entirely out of inner-social developments in the respective regions, although we can perceive that internal structures, such as hierarchies and production systems of crafts, also changed in that time. It is clear that both external and internal factors had their impact on the formation of initial and early states. At present, however, research approaches focusing on the relationship of both are not highly developed. Therefore, this session concentrates on the relationship of trade and social complexity in Northeast Asia through case studies in various research fields, such as the reconstruction of trade in iron, bronze, glass, stone beads, etc., and the investigation how social complexity advanced in this context.

JUNE 9, Monday afternoon

Patterns of Craft Production Since Neolithic Times in China, Part II
Organizers: XIE Liye / CHEN Xingcan

HUANG Tsuimei: Bead-strings with Trapezoidal Plaque from the Zhou Dynasty of China and their Connection with Headsets of the Northern Grasslands
OMURA Mari: Braids Excavated in Xinjiang, China and their Manufacturing Techniques
YOSHIDA Yasuyuki: The Production Technique of Ring Ornaments in the Chinese Neolithic - Bronze Age Period: Insights from Workshop Sites in Northern Vietnam
QIN XiaoLi: The Study of Turquoise Ornaments Technology from Later Neolithic to Early Bronze Age of China

SAGAWA Masatoshi: Innovations and Adoptions of Roof Tiles across East Asia in Historic Periods of China
GUO Qinghua: Assessing Two Types of Roofing Tiles from Bohai’s Shangjing
DING Yu: A Brief Discussion about the Spread of the Technology of Fully Glazed Wares in the Chinese Ceramic Kilns
KOZUKI Katsumi: Cross-cultural Production, Trade and Consumption of the Hizen Ware Bowls with Dragon Pattern

Session Abstract:
To complete the picture of ancient production systems, we need to pay attention to both specialized and non-specialized craft production, because objects produced in different production systems serve various needs. This symposium attempts to draw case studies from abundant archaeological, ethnographic, and historical resources in China to demonstrate how various patterns of craft production fulfilled different levels of economic and social need under specific cultural, political, and environmental conditions. It promises to bring together a diverse group of researchers with potential to establish theories and methods for understanding multiple facets of a society, including but not limited to its resources, cultural transmission, social structure, politics, and economy.

Trade and Interaction in Northeast Asia, Part II: 
The Yellow Sea Interaction Sphere - Moving Beyond the Texts

Organizer: LEE Dennis

LEE Dennis: Invisible Borderlands and Silent Frontiers: the Keyhole-Shaped Tombs on the Korean Peninsula
GILAIZEAU Linda: Diplomacy from the Grave: Interactions between Western Japan and the East Asian Continent from a Burial Point of View
BARNES Gina: Inspiration for Combed Decoration on Silla Ware from South China?
IM Hyojai, KO Jaewon: The Gosan-ri Neolithic Site and its Place in Northeast Asia
PAK Yangjin: Interaction between Northeast China and Korean Peninsula as Seen in Bronze Age Pottery

TAMURA Tomomi, OGA Katsuhiko: Distribution of Lead-barium Glass in Ancient Japan
KIM Gyuho, KIM Nayoung: The Characteristics of Lead Barium Glass on the Ancient Korean Peninsula
LANKTON James, GRATUZE Bernard, BRILL Robert H.: What Yellow Sea Interaction Sphere? The Glass Evidence
NELSON Sarah: Discussant

Session Abstract:
Until recently, the hegemonic nature of historical texts in East Asia has focused studies in the Yellow Sea interaction sphere on relations between traditional historic states.
However, the News archaeological data coming out of China, Korea, and Japan has complicated and problematized our understanding of the interactions within the Yellow Sea interaction sphere as well as shedding light on the textually invisible border/frontier regions that also played important roles forming economic and political ties with the historic centers and among themselves. This session examines connections and interactions between polities and regions within the Yellow Sea interaction sphere that are invisible in the historical records while challenging or bringing News light to our present understanding of the Yellow Sea interaction sphere.

Ritual Spaces, Images and Artifacts
Chair: WRIGHT Joshua

REINHART Katrinka: Food, Wine, and Blood: Old Imagistic Religiosity in the Early Bronze Age of Northern China
LAM Hau-ling Eileen: Simulation and Representation: Bi Discs in Han Burial Ritual
WEST Erin Elizabeth: Animal Style Art in the Dian Kingdom: the Religious and the Secular
MONTEITH Francesca: Lotus Spitting Dragons

GUSEV Sergey: Man's House (Karigi (Canadian Eskimo)-Ka'igit (Asian Eskimo)): the Sacred Place in the Village of Ancient Whalers (Unenen)
KOVALEV Alexey: Composition, Structure and Significance of Deer (Stag) Stone Ritual Sites in Central Mongolia: on the Excavations of Uushigiin Uvur (Ulaan uushig) and Surtiin Denzh Sites in Hovsgol Aimag
PERRIN Ariane: The Image of the Deceased in Koguryŏ Funerary Art: a Comparison between the Ji’an and Pyongyang Regions
BRADFORD Rosalind E: Prometheus: How Fire Came to Japanese Art

JUNE 10, Tuesday morning

Mobility, Subsistence, and Interaction on the Eurasian Steppes
Chair: HOULE Jean-Luc

HOULE Jean-Luc: Long-Term Occupation and Seasonal Mobility in Mongolia
HSU Yiu-kang (Gary): The Numbers Speak for Themselves: How Chemical Datasets of Bronze Artefacts can Illuminate the Communication of Metalwork in the Eastern Eurasian Steppe
KELSOE Camilla, CLARK Julia, BARTON Loukas: Technological Investment and Mobile Life: the Logic of Pottery Use in Northern Mongolia
LIU Xinyi: The Structures of Everyday Life: Tran-Eurasian Exchange of Starchy Crops in Prehistory

PAN Ling: Changes in the Nature of Cultural Exchange between the Northern Area of China and the Eurasia Steppe from the Late Stage of the Warring States Period to the Middle Stage of Western Han Dynasty
TAYLOR William, TUMURBAATAR Tuvshinjargal, BAYARSAIKHAN Jamsranjav: Horseback Riding and Equine Cranial Morphology in the Mongolian Bronze Age
TSYDENOVA Natalia: Cultural Correlations between the Neolithic Sites of the Baikal Region and Eastern Mongolia
BRODERICK Lee, SEITSONEN Oula, HOULE Jean-Luc: The Culture Changes but the Herd Stays the Same: Bronze Age and Xiongnu Subsistence

Imperial Silks and Noble Jewels: Aspects of Tang Archaeology
Organizer: MUELLER Shing

EHRENWIRTH Rebecca: Buried in a Square: Tang-Dynasty Tombs and their Structure
HUBER C. F. Moritz: The Aftermath of An Lushan Seen through Archaeological Evidence: a Xenophobic Turn and Stigmatisation of Foreigners?
KNALLER Regina: Silk for Buddha: the Textile Treasury of the Famen Si in Shaanxi Province, P. R. China

KNALLER Regina, HOFMANN-de KEIJZER Regina, VAN BOMMEL Maarten R., JOOSTEN Ineke, HEISS Andreas G., NATSCHLAEGER Helga, PICHLER Bernhard, ERLACH Rudolf, MEGENS Luc, de KEIJZER Matthijs,: Yellow for Buddha: Investigation of Colourants and Metal Threads on Silk-Textiles from the Famen Temple, Shaanxi Province, P. R. China
MUELLER Shing: The Silks of the Tang Famen Temple: a Reconstruction of their Deposition in the Crypt and Some New Features in Weaving and Textile Decorations
FILIP Sonja: A Noblewoman’s Attire: the Reconstructed Jewelries of Li Chui and Some Thoughts on the Development of Tang Dynasty Adornment

Session Abstract:
This session touches subjects less dealt with in the past. While a large-scaled, updated survey of tomb construction (Ehrenwirth) will give a sense of unity at least in the sepulchral culture of the Tang, it should be asked how foreigners with obvious different countenances and cultural roots, for instance the Sogdians, did accommodate themselves within this uniformity, especially in the more xenophobic second half of Tang times (Huber). New elaborate and complex jewelries for ladies of the high society were stimulated by foreign traditions of handicrafts, but patterns and designs were transformed to please the Chinese aesthetic sense (Filip). Moreover new weaving techniques, dyes and fabric patterns for silk are attested after the Middle Tang from the silk findings of the Famensi (874 AD) (Knaller, Mueller). The topics of Filip, Knaller and Mueller are part of a Sino-German research project presented for the first time outside China and Germany.

Archaeology of Ancient Interactions between Mongolia and Korea
Organizer: KANG In Uk

JOO Kyeongmi: A Comparative Study of Gold and Silver Ornaments of Nangnang and those of the Xiongnu Tombs
KANG In Uk: Adoption of the Floor-heating System (Ondol) in Xiongnu Fortresses and Role of Sedentary People in the Xiongnu Empire
CHOI Sungrak: The Character of the Mound Jar-coffin Tombs in Yeongsan River Basin
CHANG Yoon chung: Comparative Analysis of Animal Sacrifices in the Tombs of Three Kingdom Period and those of the Xiongnu Tombs in Mongolia
CHANG Eunjeong: Comparison of the Burial Practices of the Xiongnu in Mongolia and those in the Altai

YANG Si-Eun: A Study of Northern Cultural Characteristics in Koguryo
JO So-Eun: Comparative Analysis of the Construction of the Pazyryk Kurgans in the Altai and the Silla Kurgans in Kyongju
HAN Jinseong: Typology and Chronological Sequence of Buckle Plaques of Xiongnu and their Diffusion to East Asia
YUN Hyeungwon , EREGZEN Gelegdorj: Comparative Research on the Hunnu Tombs of Mongolia and the Nangnang Tombs of Korea

Session Abstract:
For almost 20 years, Korea and Mongolia archaeological teams have carried out cooperated investigations especially in Xiongnu and early medieval age archaeology. In this panel, we will sum up the results of these works, and discuss the ancient interactions of nomad and sedentary civilizations in North-eastern Asia.

JUNE 10, Tuesday afternoon

Subsistence and Domestication from South to North
Chair: WEISSKOPF Alison

CASTILLO Cristina: Rice, Millets and Translocation to Southeast Asia
LEE Cheng-Yi, CHEN Maa-Lin, DITCHFIELD Peter, LIN Hsiu-Man, LIN Li-hung, LO Ching-Hua, POLLARD A. Mark, TSAI Hsi-Kuei, WANG Pei-Ling: Paleodiets of the Yuan-Shan People in Taiwan: Evidence from Stable Carbon and Nitrogen Isotopic Analyses of Human Skeletons and Faunal Remains
WEISSKOPF Alison, QIN Ling, FULLER Dorian: From Wet to Dry and Back again: the Ecology of Domesticating and Intensifying Early Rice in the Lower Yangtze
HOSOYA Leo Aoi, NAKAMURA Oki, SEGUCHI Shin'ji, SHIBUTANI Ayako: What did Jomon People Eat in Fact? Chronological Shifts in Japanese Jomon Subsistence Strategies on the Basis of Local Characteristics of North Tohoku Area

SHIBUTANI Ayako, HOSOYA Leo Aoi, NAKAMURA Oki, SEGUCHI Shin'ji: Plant Food Ways Reflected from Microbotanical Remains and Grinding Stones in Prehistoric Northern Japan
YANG Yimin: Subsistence Strategy of Xiaohe Culture in Early Bronze Age, Xinjiang, Northwestern China
FENNER Jack, TUMEN Dashtseveg, KHATANBAATAR Dorjpurev: Stable Isotope Analysis of Mongol Empire Period Diet in Eastern Mongolia
JONES Martin: The Role of Minor Crops in the Development of Eurasian Agriculture

Production, Distribution and Appreciation: New Aspects on East Asian Lacquer Wares
Organizer: PRUECH Margarete

BROSSEDER Ursula: Patterns of Consumption, Questions for Production: Lacquer Vessels from Eurasia (100 BCE – 100 CE)
PRUECH Margarete: Han Dynasty Lacquer Boxes in Crimea: Remarks on their Possible Place of Manufacture and Distribution
KIESER Annette: New Aspects on Six Dynasties Lacquer Ware

JUNG Soon-Chim: Technical Innovation and Material Diversity: Tang Dynasty Lacquer Ware
LEE Nan Hee: A Study on an Early Goryeo Dynasty Lacquer Incense Box Decorated with Flora and Waterfowl Motifs
FRICK Patricia: Simplicity and Reserve: Song Dynasty Lacquer Ware

Session Abstract:
This session will shed light on lacquer objects found in tombs from the 2nd through the 11th century. Recent discoveries in Korea, China and along the Silk Road as far as the Crimea will be presented and thoroughly analyzed. The papers will mainly focus on the regional distribution of the findings and their places of manufacture, as well as on the production process and the development of their decor. The session will thus not only illustrate the meaning of East Asian lacquer ware in everyday life as well as grave furnishing, but also reveal the appreciation of lacquer within material culture over a period of more than one thousand years.

Archaeology in Asia: History, Practices, and Interpretation
Chair: KINGSBERG Miriam

STEIN Britta: The Origin and Development of Japanese Archaeology before 1945
KINGSBERG Miriam: Japanese Archaeology/Archaeology of Japan: Postwar Political Uses of Foreign Pasts
BROWN Clayton: The Role of Antiquities in Sino-American Relations: a Century of Cultural Heritage Management
O'DELL Emily: Memories of the Mongols at Merv: Surveying Archaeological & Textual Accounts
DENNELL Robin: Hallam Movius and the Line that never was

Advances in Application of the Latest Techniques to Eastern Asia Archaeology
Organizers: JIN ZhengYao / LI Sheng-Hua

LI Sheng-Hua: Human Settlements and Climate Changes over the Last Ten Thousand Years on the Ordos Plateau
MA Jiangbo, JIN Zhengyao, FAN Anchuan, XIANG Taochu, CHEN Fukun: Lead Isotope Provenance Analyses of Bronzes Unearthed from Tanheli Site in Hunan Province, China
FAN Anchuan, JIN Zhengyao, WU Youjin: Firing Temperature Estimation of Pottery from Jinlianshan and Xueshan Sites at Fuxian Lake, Yunnan Province
LIU YingYu, JIN Zhengyao, FAN Anchuan, HUANG Fengchun, HUANG Fang, ZHANGSUN Yingzi: Scientific Analyses of Bronze Steamers from the Yejiashan Western Zhou Cemetery in Suizhou, Hubei, China
JIN ZhengYao: Reinterpreting the Manufacturing Technique and the Structure of the Early Zhou Bronze Steamers in the Izumiya Museum Collection

Session Abstract:
Modern techniques have been applied in archaeological studies. This session covers recent advances in applications of dating, isotopic analysis, past environment reconstruction techniques in East Asia archaeology studies. The session will emphasis on the technical developments of new methods and the new discoveries in laborataries for archaeological problems. The topics include: luminescence dating; thermal history of archaeological materials; isotopic analysis of Pb, Cu and Sr isotopes; synchronic radiation technology and other technical advances.