Welcome to the Society for East Asian Archaeology
The Society for East Asian Archaeology (SEAA) is a non-governmental organization established to:
- Further research in the field of East Asian Archaeology
- Support quality research and international collaboration
- Provide publishing opportunities through an online bulletin, holding academic meetings and conferences
- Supply educational outreach to the general community
- Enhance scholarly communications and good relations among archaeologists within East Asia
SEAA News Blog
An abbreviated schedule for SEAA10 is now available on our website. You can download the PDF or access it via our website, see post for further details
The American School of Prehistoric Research (ASPR), which supports research and education in Old World prehistory, is pleased to announce the application deadline for 2025 ASPR Junior Fellowships: postdoctoral research fellowships at Harvard University for recent PhDs who are pursuing independent research on Old World prehistory.
The Esherick-Ye Foundation (note our new name) is pleased to announce its seventh annual competition for small grants of up to $6,000 to support projects in modern Chinese economic, social, and political history or in archaeology.
Thank you for your patience as we have been working diligently to complete our online registration and submission center for SEAA10, graciously hosted by the University of Aberdeen. We are pleased to inform you that you may now register for SEAA membership, register for SEAA10, and submit proposals for your research papers, posters, short films, and organized sessions all online. Registration will be open from now until November 29th. Feel free to use the image provided below to promote SEAA10.
You can find additional details regarding the conference and the call for papers here: https://seaa-web.org/conferences/upcoming/seaa10
The Esherick-Ye Foundation's mission is to support the next generation of China Scholars. Applications for the 2025 Fellowship will soon be available on their website, https://www.esherick-yefoundation.org/